Category Regular Period
(28th Aug to 26th Sept 2024)
During the Extended Period
(27th Sept to 11th Oct 2024)
Female/SC/ST/PwD* candidates (per test paper) 900 1400
All other candidates including foreign nationals (per test paper) 1800 2300

*PwD means Persons with Benchmark Disability.

Candidates can login to GOAPS ( for application rectification up to 20th November, 2024.

Charges for modification/ changes in GATE 2025 Application is indicated below.

S.No. Description of Changes / Modifications Fee Charges (per paper)
1. Change in Name 500
2. Change in Date of Birth 500
3. Change in choice of examination cities 500
4. Change of existing paper 500
5. Add a second paper (from given combinations with respect to the primary paper) 500 plus application fee for the additional paper
6. Change of gender to female 500
7. Change of gender from female to any other gender 500 + 900 = 1400(For all other candidates)
8. Change of category to SC/ST 500
9. Change of category from SC/ST to any other 500(For female candidates or PwD candidates)
500 + 900 = 1400(For all other candidates)
10. Change from Non-PwD/Dyslexic to PwD/Dyslexic 500
11. Change from PwD/Dyslexic to Non-PwD/Dyslexic 500(For female candidates or PwD candidates)
500 + 900 = 1400(For all other candidates)
12. Any other change in category (not mentioned above) 500
13. Details of Parents/Guardian/Correspondence Address NIL
14. College Name and Location, Roll No., Registration No. NIL